Wednesday, June 25, 2008

In which the blogger and his friend, a woman more evil than even he, text a catastrophic plan

Countess Bunny Hoppinmad: They WANT drama. Just tell them some people actually hate phony suck-ups, so knock it off and worry only about you.
Felix Bedingfield: This is all true.
Countess Bunny Hoppinmad: Easier answer than my issues.
Felix Bedingfield: If only we had a Death Star.
Countess Bunny Hoppinmad: That would be awesome.
Felix Bedingfield: My friend is an architect. Perhaps he can help.
Countess Bunny Hoppinmad: It's a start, but he won't be much use for weapons.
Felix Bedingfield: I bet Katie could help us with that. We just need a huge sock and $200,000,000,000,000 in quarters...
Countess Bunny Hoppinmad: I love it!
Felix Bedingfield: That just leaves the whole space thing.
Countess Bunny Hoppinmad: I'm sure we can work that out.
Felix Bedingfield: Got it. We need a billion two-liters of Coke and around 40,000 cases of Mentos for initial lift off. Once we get free of gravity it's cake.
Countess Bunny Hoppinmad: We'll hijack a Mentos truck and stage a takeover at a Coke plant.
Felix Bedingfield: ...I think this could work.
Countess Bunny Hoppinmad: It's beginning to sound like a real plan.
Felix Bedingfield: With this universal mayhem machine, we can finally address those pesky issues you've been having with the Universe.
Countess Bunny Hoppinmad: FINALLY.
Felix Bedingfield: Yay.
Felix Bedingfield: I'll be putting this on the blog, you know.
Countess Bunny Hoppinmad: Might want to leave out the word "hijack".


Anonymous said...

I love that you call me more evil then you. & it won't let me vote for light bright pegs damn it.

felix j. bedingfield said...

Why? You must vote!

Unknown said...

Hola puta... me encanta! I have no idea if that is right... but after reading this I'm SURE that you're not right. Hmm... what does that make me? You do know that it's all about me, right?