Gay Pride 2008.
I've been thinking a lot about this weekend in the past weeks. Last year did not go so well for me, but I have found that I'm moving past the fear that this festival of celebration is really just an excuse for gay men to get as publically drunk as possible, conduct themselves outside the boundaries of common consideration, and take as many liberties as they can with as many people as possible.
Okay, I'm moving slowly past. And that's something I'm proud of.
I mean, since when have gay men in Chicago needed an excuse to act like fools in public? Have you been to Roscoe's lately?
There are a lot of people in the community who use Pride as a big middle finger to the rest of the city, a "We're here, we're queer, FUCK YOU!". Soak in gallons of alcohol, set aflame. That's...wrong. Why not "We're here, we're queer, COME PARTY WITH US!"...? Granted, this mentality certainly exists, but unfortunately, the public eye tends to gaze on those of us who are falling drunk out of windows and stalking around drugged out of our heads, shirts off and cocks out. Personally, I don't appreciate that image. It's my blog, deal with it. Sure, it's part of the reality, but it doesn't constitute the entire reality, and Pride is no excuse to blur the lines this much. How long does it take to clean up that image once the streamers are swept up and the rainbows are put away til next year? There are plenty of ways to kick the shit out of yourself on this, a sacred holiday, having as much crazy fun as possible, without becoming that asshole at Pride. I can't instruct others on how they can make that happen. But for me, there are some rules:
1. Have fun! There's a lot of it to be had, and it's even better cause it's in the streets, in the sun, with an open container!
2. Hands off my boyfriend! I don't care if it's Pride, Christmas, Zombie Jesus Day, Market Days, Kwanzaa, whatever. Respect.
3. Be safe! It's totally possible to start drinking at 9 am and not end up in a gutter, or in the police station, or (and please, please, God forbid) with an STD. Use your fucking head.
4. Wear glitter! You've wanted to all year. Now's your chance, Mary.
5. Bring straight people! This is a big one. How tired am I of gay men and women who want acceptance and equality but insist upon putting up velvet ropes (or iron gates)? Sure, this is our day, but you an opressed demographic, as people who are routinely discriminated against, as a minority, we have to do things a little better than the straight folks do if we expect to receive the same rights It's fucked, but it's true. That means including them and (hopefully) removing some of that nasty stigma. Oh, and stop trying to convert them. It ain't gonna happen, no matter how pathetic you become. Just trust me on this one.
6. Focus on your friends! Celebration on this scale requires you pay each other the props you deserve. No more ruined Prides, no more Pride drama, because Hot Guy #28 didn't look at you, but checked out your friend Why does everything have to be about hooking up?!?!?!?. That's...that's just stupid.
7. Be yourself! That's what this is about. Even if "yourself" is a drugged-out idiot -- keep it to yourself and we'll have no problems.
I'll be the one in the Boy Scout shirt with the sleeves ripped off, Den 3. Roundabouts Broadway and Buckingham. Happy Pride!
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